Natural Language Processing : representations, inference and semantics

Department 4 : Knowledge and Languages Management

Team leader : Christophe CERISARA
Tél. : +33 3 54 95 86 25
Mail :



The aim of the team is to investigate semantic phenomena (broadly construed) in natural language from a computational perspective. More concretely, TALARIS’s goal is to develop grammars (with a special emphasis on French) with a semantic dimension; to explore the linguistic and computational issues involved in such areas as natural language genera- tion, textual entailment recognition, discourse and dialogue modeling, pragmatics, and multilinguality; to develop computational tools for inference; and to investigate the interplay between representation and inference in computational semantics for natural language.

Research activities

  • Computational Logic
  • Tools and Resources for Natural Language Processing (NLP)
  • Computational Semantics


  • XMG
  • GENI
  • Intohylo


  • Buenos Aires University (Argentine)
  • University of “pays de la Sarre” (Sarrebrück, Allemagne)
  • Team PAROLE of Nancy


Computational Logic, Hybrid and Modal Logic, Natural Language Processing, Multimedia documents