
The projects underway in the teams concerned by the CBH transversal axis can be consulted in the team web pages.

Joint University-Hospital Research

The Loria is a partner of the university-hospital research federation CARTAGE (Cardio-vascular and ARTerial AGEing;, which is managed by the CHRU (Centre Hospitalier Régional Universitaire) of Nancy.

The CARTAGE Federation is a framework for developing innovative dedicated projects such as FIGHT_HF (“Fight Heart Failure”) that was recently granted 9 million euros for 5 years by the ANR (French National Agency for Research) in the programme “Investissements d’Avenir” ( Several scientists from the Capsid and Orpailleur teams are involved in FIGHT-HF.

CPER 2015-2020: Science and Technology for Health

The collaborative project IT2MP (Technological Innovations, Modelling and Personalized Medecine) is co-funded by the French government through the University of Lorraine by EPSTs such as Inria and INSERM, by the Région Lorraine, and the European FEDER in the frame of a CPER (Contrat de Plan État-Région) for the period 2015-2020. The IT2MP project will support interdisciplinary scientific initiatives between the Loria and its partners. It is organized around four shared-resource platforms, of which two are the responsibility of Loria scientists.

  • The SMEC platform (Simulation, Modelling and Knowledge Discovery) provides expertise in (i) high performance computing for molecular dynamics simulations and 3D modelling of biomolecules and their interactions and (ii) biostatistical analyses and knowledge discovery from biological or biomedical data sources.

Contacts: Marie-Dominique Devignes (Team Capsid), Malika Smaïl-Tabbone (Team Orpailleur), Eliane Albuisson (CHRU Nancy) and François Dehez (SRSMC Laboratory, Nancy).

  • The SCIARAT platform (Cognitive Stimulation, Ambiant Intelligence, Assistance Robotics and telemedecine) offers the equipment necessary for research on these topics, and in particular for the design of solutions to support frail or aged people at home, and those suffering from chronic diseases.

Contacts: François Charpillet (Team Larsen) and Patrick Rossignol (CHRU Nancy).

Plateform MBI

The MBI platform (Modelling Biomolecules and their Interactions, is one of the nodes of the French Bioinformatics Institute (

High Performance Computing for the Life Sciences is provided at the Loria through CPU and GPU sharing with the Grid5000 production network and through dedicated servers on the MBI platform. Registration is necessary to obtain an account for running jobs on these servers.

Plateform Data Science for Health (DS4H)

To face the new challenges of “Big Data”, the CBH axis groups together skills in the exploration, analysis, and mining of biological and biomedical data. A platform for sharing resources in Data Science for Health will be created soon.