The integration weekend will take place in mid-November in the Vosges. Whatever your employer (CNRS, Inria, Université de Lorraine) and whatever your PhD year is, all PhD students from the laboratory and Inria teams at IECL and Strasbourg are welcome!
It’s a friendly getaway where new and old PhD students from different teams can meet up and enjoy fun activities in a relaxed atmosphere. Transport, accommodation, food and activities will be provided by the laboratory.
To participate, make sure you can provide a certificate of your civil liability insurance and that all registration formalities with Loria and the doctoral school have been completed. Full registration details will soon be available on Loria’s intranet site, and you will also be informed during the welcome morning meeting dedicated to newcomers.
This event is organized by Loria, in collaboration with CNRS, Université de Lorraine, Inria and the IAEM doctoral school. It is one of the Quality of Life at Work initiatives launched by CNRS in 2019.