Department | Team Name | Team Description |
Algorithms, Computation, Image and Geometry | ABC | Machine Learning and Computational Biology |
ADAGIO | Applying Discrete Algorithms to Genomics and Imagery | |
PIXEL (ex-ALICE) | Computer Graphics | |
CARAMBA | Cryptology, Arithmetic: Hardware and Software | |
GAMBLE | Geometric Algorithms and Models Beyond the Linear and Euclidean Realm | |
TANGRAM | Visual Registration with Physically Coherent Models | |
MFX | Matter From Graphics | |
Formal methods | MOCQUA | Theoretical Adverse Computations and Safety |
CARBONE | Mapping of functions and their correlations | |
DEDALE | Development of specifications | |
MOSEL-VERIDIS | Proof-oriented development of computer-based systems | |
PESTO | Combining Approaches for the Security of Infinite state of Systems | |
TYPES | Logic, Proof Theory & Programming | |
Networks, systems and services | RESIST (ex-MADYNES) | Management of Dynamic Networks and Services |
SIMBIOT | Design and validation of “smart” Cyber-Physical systems | |
OPTIMIST | Operation Research for Complex and Hybrid Decision System | |
COAST | Service and Cooperation | |
Natural Language Processing & Knowledge Discovery | ||
K Team | Data Science, Knowledge, Reasoning and Engineering | |
MULTISPEECH | Analysis, Perception and automatic recognition of speech | |
ORPAILLEUR | Knowledge Discovery guided by Domain Knowledge (KDDK) | |
SMarT | Statistical Machine Translation & Speech Modelization and Text | |
SEMAGRAMME | Linear Logic, Proof-nets and Categorial Grammars | |
SYNALP | Natural Language Processing: representation, inference, and semantics | |
Complex systems and artificial intelligence | CAPSID | Computational Algorithms for Protein Structures and Interactions |
BIRD | Building artificial Intelligence between trust, Responsibility and Decision | |
BISCUIT | Computational Neuroscience | |
LARSEN | Lifelong Autonomy and interaction skills for Robots in a Sensing ENvironment | |
NEURORHYTHMS | Analysis and modeling of neural systems by a system neuroscience approach |