Take a virtual tour of the Creativ’Lab!

4 April 2024
Take a 360° tour of the Creativ’Lab platform and find out more about our research into robotics, cyber-physical systems and 3D printing!
The Creativ’Lab is a platform of the Loria laboratory (UMR 7503) dedicated to robotics, artificial intelligence and cyber-physical systems, in close partnership with the CNRS, Inria and the Université de Lorraine. It comprises a number of innovation areas devoted to fundamental and applied research, and aims to stimulate relations between research, businesses and students.
Thanks to this 360° virtual tour developed by the Université de Lorraine, immerse yourself in the heart of our work through videos, demonstrations and research projects. Accompanied by our teams’ researchers, engineers and doctoral students, browse through the experimentation rooms for industrial robotics, 3D printing, humanoid robots, motion capture, neuroscience, biorobotics, a drone arena and our multimodal platform for speech acquisition.
Visit the platform by clicking on this link.
The funders
The Creativ’Lab platform has been funded by the FEDER, the CPER and the Grand Est Region. The total cost of the work is €300,000, including almost €220,000 from Loria’s own resources (CNRS, Inria, Université de Lorraine). The FEDER financed €87,987. The CPER mainly financed equipment.
The virtual tour of the Creativ’Lab was created by the Direction du numérique of the Université de Lorraine as part of the PLEIADES project – ANR-21-DMES-0010, Projet Lorrain d’Environnement numérique pour des apprentissages durables (Lorraine digital environment project for sustainable learning).