3 questions to Michael Backes, professor of computer science and Doctor Honoris Causa at University of Lorraine
10 September 2018
“What link do you have with Loria and more generally with the Lorraine ?
I ever since had a strong connection with France and in particular the Lorraine since I grew up in the State of Saarland, with its manifold connections and intertwinement within the Greater Region. I have always felt strongly connected to my home area, driven by the desire to contribute my share to make this area grow and prosper. This in particular includes, amongst others, longstanding joint research activities with Loria, such as in our joint collaborative research center on understanding and controlling online privacy.
What does the title of Doctor Honoris Causa represents for you ?
I feel deeply flattered and honored by the title of Doctor Honoris Causa, in particular because I am allowed to receive this honor already at my young age. This is a title and honor that I have not given any thoughts to prior to receiving the notification, and that hence come fully unexpected to me. I am particularly thankful to receive this from my colleagues and friends in research at the Lorraine.
What are your projects?
I’m currently spending all my time and energy on the build-up of the CISPA Helmholtz Center in Saarbruecken, which strives for holistically targeting the grand challenges of cybersecurity research. This is my lifework.”