Colloquium Loria : next talk with Jean-Baptiste Mouret
8 March 2018
Loria’s colloquium will be held on Thursday 15th of March at 1.30 pm in the amphitheater. The third talk of 2018’s colloquium will be given by Jean-Baptiste Mouret, Inria Senior Researcher at Larsen Team.
It is entitled “Robots able to learn : why and how ?”.
The presentation will be in French.
Abstract :
The recent advances in deep learning have renewed interest in machine learning, but their influence on robotics is not as strong as we could think. In this talk, we will attempt to understand how robots could benefit from learning and what constraint they impose on learning algorithms. Focusing on trial-and-error learning, we will then describe the work of our team to address these challenges, in particular to allow robots to recover from mechanical damage in a few minutes.
For people whose not member of Loria, thank you for registering by e-mail before Tuesday 13th of March.