Official signature of an international university collaboration in computer science
15 May 2018
The collaboration between the University of Lorraine (UL, France) and the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN, Brazil) was formalized on Friday, April 27 at 5.30 p.m. at the Loria computer science laboratory, in Vandoeuvre-lès-Nancy, in the presence of the representative of UFRN’s President and Karl Tombre, Vice-President for European and International Strategy at UL and representative of UL’s President.
This collaboration will lead to the development of specific projects and activities related to learning analytics and eHealth. It will take the form of partnerships and exchanges between researchers and professors but also between students from both universities. Conferences and seminars will also be held in both universities. In addition, the results of collaborative research will be presented in joint publications.
This MoU highlights research from LAIS, the first Brazilian laboratory to have been established in a university hospital, namely the Onofre Lopes hospital (HUOL), which is dedicated to technological innovation in the health sector; and research from the Loria, a computer science laboratory specialized in the following areas of research: artificial intelligence, learning analytics, eLearning and eHealth. These areas could be extended to include other fields in computer science, such as robotics, geometry, 3D printing, or disciplines other than computer science.
Moreover, this MoU was made possible by the Franco-Brazilian collaboration of Anne Boyer, who is a professor at the University of Lorraine and the head of the Kiwi research team at the Loria.
The MoU was signed following a meeting between Brazilian and Nancy researchers at the Loria laboratory.