Colloquium du Loria – Sihem Amer Yahia

Sihem Amer Yahia

7 juin 2022

Le prochain colloquium du Loria aura lieu le jeudi 30 juin à 13h30 dans l’amphithéâtre du Loria.

Nous aurons le plaisir d’accueillir Sihem Amer Yahia, directrice de recherche CNRS, médaille d’argent CNRS et directrice adjointe du LIG, avec un exposé en anglais intitulé “AI-Powered Data-Driven Education”.

Bio: Sihem Amer-Yahia is a Silver Medal CNRS Research Director and Deputy Director of the Lab of Informatics of Grenoble. She works on exploratory data analysis and fairness in job marketplaces. Before joining CNRS, she was Principal Scientist at QCRI, Senior Scientist at Yahoo! Research and Member of Technical Staff at at&t Labs. Sihem is PC chair for SIGMOD 2023 and vice president of the VLDB Endowment. She currently leads the Diversity&Inclusion initiative for the database community.
Title: AI-Powered Data-Driven Education
Abstract: Educational platforms are increasingly becoming AI-driven. Besides providing a wide range of course filtering options, personalized recommendations of learning material and teachers are driving today’s research. While accuracy plays a major role in evaluating those recommendations, many factors must be considered including learner retention, throughput, upskilling ability, equality of learning opportunities, and satisfaction. This creates a tension between learner-centered and platform-centered approaches. I will describe research at the intersection of data-driven recommendations and education theory. This includes multi-objective algorithms that leverage collaboration and affinity in peer learning, studying the impact of learning strategies on platforms and people, and automating the generation of sequences of courses. I will end the talk with a discussion of the central role data management systems could play in enabling holistic educational experiences.
Les personnes extérieures au Loria peuvent s’inscrire auprès de Marie Baron avant le 28 juin : marie.baron (at)