Colloquium du Loria : Hugo Parlier

24 mars 2022

Le prochain colloquium du Loria aura lieu le jeudi 7 avril à 13h30 dans l’amphithéâtre du Loria avec Hugo Parlier, professeur de mathématiques à l’Université du Luxembourg.

Son exposé est intitulé “Playing puzzles on complicated surfaces” et sera en anglais.

This talk will be about a project aiming to illustrate geometry through puzzles. The puzzles, played following simple rules on square-tiled surfaces, have natural configuration graphs with a geometry of their own. These graphs are not completely unlike other combinatorial graphs used in the study of moduli spaces of surfaces and which can be visualized in similar ways. The goal will be to play around with the puzzles, explore their graphs and have fun.

The Quadratis puzzles were created and brought to life with Paul Turner, Mario Gutiérrez and Reyna Juárez.

Bio: Hugo Parlier is a mathematician from the University of Luxembourg interested in low dimensional geometry and topology. Many of his results are related to the study of curves on surfaces and often have a combinatorial and visual flavor. In addition, he is passionate about sharing its ever evolving nature with as wide an audience possible. This lead to an interactive book for tablets called Mathema (with Paul Turner) but also to the “Simplicity of complexity” exhibit showcased on the Luxembourg Pavilion in Dubai.


Les personnes extérieures au Loria peuvent s’inscrire avant le 5 avril auprès de marie.baron (at)