Archives PhD 2024
[Phd 2024] Modeling and Detecting AI-based Cyber Threats
[Phd 2024] Building a conversational query system to navigate in a multi-modal corpus.
Application to the exploration of a corpus in digital humanities
[Phd 2024] self-organizing neural models and hardware implementation for continual learning
[Phd 2024] Self-organizing maps on neuromorphic circuit
[Phd 2024] Neural models for vector quantization, continual learnigng and non-starionary distributions
[Phd 2024] Towards An event-driven approach to the emergence of behaviors
[Phd 2024] Descriptive complexity of topological invariants
[Phd 2024] Combinatorial optimization and machine learning
[Phd 2024] A quantum programming language with coherent control
[Phd 2024] Modeling joint action in HRI from a bio-inspired approach