Next Colloquium will take place on Thursday, 30th June at 1:30 pm in Loria's amphitheater. We will welcome Sihem Amer Yahia (CNRS, Univ. Grenoble Alpes, France) with a presentation entitled "AI-Powered Data-Driven Education" Abstract: Educational platforms are increasingly becoming AI-driven. Besides providing a wide range of course filtering options, personalized recommendations of learning material and teachers are driving today's research. While accuracy plays a major role in evaluating those recommendations, many factors must be considered including learner retention, throughput, upskilling…
Find out more »Next Colloquium Loria will take place on Wednesday, November 2nd at 1:30 pm in the amphitheater. We will have the pleasure to welcome Ilaria Tiddi, Assistant Professor in Hybrid Intelligence at the Knowledge in AI (KAI) group of the Vrije Universiteit of Amsterdam, with a presentation (in English) entitled "Hybrid Intelligence: vision, challenges and future directions". Abstract: Hybrid Intelligence is an emerging field of research that combines human and artificial intelligent systems to create a more collaborative, interactive, and holistic…
Find out more »Next Loria Colloquium will take place on Thursday, February 2nd at 1:30 pm in the Amphitheater. We will have the pleasure to welcome David Chavalarias for a presentation entitled "L'inévitable affaissement de la démocratie sous l'effet des BigTech" Avec la montée en puissance des réseaux sociaux, une lame de fond s’abat sur les démocraties : le tissu social se déchire, les opinions sont manipulées, les élections sont déstabilisées. Si les outils numériques ont représenté une innovation majeure dans la production et…
Find out more »Le prochain colloquium du Loria aura lieu le jeudi 2 mars à 13h30 dans l'amphithéâtre. Nous aurons le plaisir d'accueillir Anne-Cécile Orgerie, chercheuse CNRS à l'IRISA (Rennes). Consommation énergétique et impacts environnementaux des systèmes distribués. Les systèmes distribués, tels que les clouds, s'étendent de plus en plus à l'échelle mondiale, avec des services numériques hébergés aux quatre coins du globe et appartenant souvent à des systèmes complexes, utilisant eux-mêmes de nombreux autres services et ressources matérielles. Cette augmentation s'accompagne d'une…
Find out more »Next Loria colloquium will take place on Wednesday, June 7th at 1:30 pm in the Amphitheater. We will have the pleasure to welcome Mário Figueiredo, professor at the Instituto de Telecomunicações, Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa, for a presentation entitled Causal Discovery from Observation Data: Introduction and Some Recent Advances. Abstract: Causal discovery is an active research field that aims to uncover the underlying causal mechanisms that drive the relationship between a collection of variables and which has applications in many areas, including medicine,…
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