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June 2022

Colloquium Loria – Sihem Amer Yahia

30 June 2022 @ 13:30 pm - 14:30 pm
Amphithéâtre du Loria
Sihem Amer Yahia

Next Colloquium will take place on Thursday, 30th June at 1:30 pm in Loria's amphitheater. We will welcome Sihem Amer Yahia (CNRS, Univ. Grenoble Alpes, France) with a presentation entitled "AI-Powered Data-Driven Education" Abstract: Educational platforms are increasingly becoming AI-driven. Besides providing a wide range of course filtering options, personalized recommendations of learning material and teachers are driving today's research. While accuracy plays a major role in evaluating those recommendations, many factors must be considered including learner retention, throughput, upskilling…

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November 2022

Colloquium du Loria – Ilaria Tiddi

2 November 2022 @ 13:30 pm - 14:30 pm
Amphithéâtre du Loria

Next Colloquium Loria will take place on Wednesday, November 2nd at 1:30 pm in the amphitheater. We will have the pleasure to welcome Ilaria Tiddi, Assistant Professor in Hybrid Intelligence at the Knowledge in AI (KAI) group of the Vrije Universiteit of Amsterdam, with a presentation (in English) entitled "Hybrid Intelligence: vision, challenges and future directions". Abstract: Hybrid Intelligence is an emerging field of research that combines human and artificial intelligent systems to create a more collaborative, interactive, and holistic…

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February 2023

Colloquium du Loria – David Chavalarias

2 February 2023 @ 13:30 pm - 15:00 pm
Amphithéâtre du Loria

Next Loria Colloquium will take place on Thursday, February 2nd at 1:30 pm in the Amphitheater. We will have the pleasure to welcome David Chavalarias for a presentation entitled "L'inévitable affaissement de la démocratie sous l'effet des BigTech" Avec la montée en puissance des réseaux sociaux, une lame de fond s’abat sur les démocraties : le tissu social se déchire, les opinions sont manipulées, les élections sont déstabilisées. Si les outils numériques ont représenté une innovation majeure dans la production et…

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March 2023

Colloquium du Loria : Anne-Cécile Orgerie

2 March 2023 @ 13:30 pm - 15:00 pm
Amphithéâtre du Loria

Le prochain colloquium du Loria aura lieu le jeudi 2 mars à 13h30 dans l'amphithéâtre. Nous aurons le plaisir d'accueillir Anne-Cécile Orgerie, chercheuse CNRS à l'IRISA (Rennes). Consommation énergétique et impacts environnementaux des systèmes distribués. Les systèmes distribués, tels que les clouds, s'étendent de plus en plus à l'échelle mondiale, avec des services numériques hébergés aux quatre coins du globe et appartenant souvent à des systèmes complexes, utilisant eux-mêmes de nombreux autres services et ressources matérielles. Cette augmentation s'accompagne d'une…

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June 2023

Colloquium du Loria : Mário Figueiredo

7 June 2023 @ 13:30 pm - 14:30 pm
Amphithéâtre du Loria

Next Loria colloquium will take place on Wednesday, June 7th at 1:30 pm in the Amphitheater. We will have the pleasure to welcome Mário Figueiredo, professor at the Instituto de Telecomunicações, Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa, for a presentation entitled Causal Discovery from Observation Data: Introduction and Some Recent Advances. Abstract: Causal discovery is an active research field that aims to uncover the underlying causal mechanisms that drive the relationship between a collection of variables and which has applications in many areas, including medicine,…

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