Le prochain séminaire D1 aura lieu le jeudi 14 décembre à 10h30 dans la salle B013.
Charline Grenier, doctorante au Laboratoire ICube, présentera un exposé intitulé “Color-mapped noise vector fields for generating procedural micro-patterns”.
Stochastic micro-patterns successfully enhance the realism of virtual scenes. Procedural models using noise combined with transfer functions are extremely efficient to generate them. However, most patterns employ 1D transfer functions, which assign color, transparency, or other material attributes, based on a single scalar noise. Multi-dimensional transfer functions have received widespread attention in other fields, such as scientific volume rendering. However, their potential has not yet been well explored for modelling micro-patterns in the field of procedural texturing. We propose a procedural model for stochastic patterns, defined as the composition of a bi-dimensional transfer function (a.k.a. color-map) with a stochastic vector field. Our model encompasses several existing procedural noises, such as Gaussian noise and Phasor noise, and generates a much larger gamut of patterns, including locally structured patterns. It can also be used to procedurally enhance virtual terrains in real-time, for example by adding spatially varying erosion patterns. By adapting the Phasor noise to the specific characteristics of terrains (water flowing, control on slopes) we create relief details corresponding to the underlying terrain characteristics, that preserve the coherence of generated landforms and allow artistic control through a palette of control maps.