Une demi-journée dédiée aux doctorant.e.s du Département 3 (Réseaux, systèmes et services). À cette occasion, elles et ils exposeront l’état d’avancement de leurs recherches.
Programme :
9 h : Idriss Abdallah (Team Simbiot) – “Constrained modeling of a human operator by artificial intelligence methods”.
9 h 20 : Asma Cherrered (Team Optimist) – “Large neighborhood search enhanced with deep reinforcement learning to solve the capacited vehicle routing problem”.
9 h 40 : Quentin Acher (Team Coast) – “Managing mutable data in peer-to-peer systems”.
10 h : Loïc Cardinaël (Team Optimist) – “GRASP-based memetic algorithm for Multi-period technician routing problem with mandatory assigned tasks and selective tasks”.
10 h 20 – 10 h 50 – Pause café.
10 h 50 : Joël Ky (Team Resist) – “Anomaly detection and troubleshooting of low-latency applications”.
11 h 10 : Rémi Gauchotte (Team Optimist) – “Optimization methods for the electric vehicle charging scheduling problem”.
11 h 30 : Wafik Zahwa (Team Resist) – “In-network autonomous defense system”.
Chaque présentation durera entre 10 et 15 minutes et sera suivie d’une phase de questions.