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Active object learning: developmental perspective

This video shows some of the the elementary action and perception modules, and some preliminary experiments towards active learning of objects and discovery of affordances.

S. Ivaldi, S.M. Nguyen, N. Lyubova, A. Droniou, V. Padois, D. Filliat, P.-Y. Oudeyer, O. Sigaud (2013) "Object learning through active exploration." IEEE Transactions on Autonomous Mental Development. Pages 1-18. Accepted. (PDF)
S. Ivaldi, N. Lyubova, D. Gérardeaux-Viret, A. Droniou, S. M. Anzalone, M. Chetouani, D. Filliat, and O. Sigaud, "Perception and human interaction for developmental learning of objects and affordances", in Proc. IEEE-RAS Int. Conf. on Humanoid Robots - HUMANOIDS, 2012. (pdf)

Software for the experiments: code (svn repository)
Instructions for reproducing the experiments: online documentation