CADE-15 Workshop on

Proof Search in Type-Theoretic Languages

Lindau, Germany - 5 July, 1998

A one day workshop on Proof Search in Type-Theoretic Languages will be held the 5th July 1998 in conjunction with the CADE-15 (15th Conference on Automated DEduction, Lindau, Germany). Attendance is by invitation only: authors of accepted submissions will be invited. Hardcopies of the preliminary proceedings will be distributed at the workshop. Proceedings will be published (depending on the number of high-quality papers) as a volume of Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science, Elsevier Science Publishers.


Much recent work has been devoted to type theory and its applications to proof and program development in various logical frameworks. This workshop focuses on proof search in type-theoretic languages and their underlying logics (e.g., classical, intuitionistic, linear logics). Such languages are logical frameworks for representing proofs and in some cases formalize connections between proofs and programs that support program synthesis.

The workshop is intended to bring together researchers interested in all aspects of proof search in type-theoretic languages. The objective is to provide an integrated forum for the presentation of research and the exchange of ideas and experiences in the topics concerned with proof search in type theory and related logics or logical frameworks.

Topics of interest, in this context, include (but are not restricted to):


Call for contributions (.ps file)

Call for contributions (.ps file - CADE-15 format)


Researchers interested in presenting their works, particularly in the previous areas, are invited to send an extended abstract (8-10 pages) by e-mail submissions of Postscript files to the Program Chair ( before May 18, 1998 . Researchers interested in attending the workshop (without giving a presentation) should send a position paper (1-2 pages) presenting their interest. Papers will be reviewed by peers, typically members of the program committee. The cover page should include a return mailing address and, if possible, an electronic mail address and a fax number.

Researchers interested in attending the workshop (without giving a presentation) should send a position paper (1-2 pages) presenting their interest. Papers will be reviewed by peers, typically members of the program committee

The cover page should include a return mailing address and, if possible, an electronic mail address and a fax number.

Program Chair

Didier Galmiche 
LORIA & Universite Henri Poincare 
Campus Scientifique, B.P. 239 
54506 Vand\oe uvre-l\`es-Nancy, France 
fax: [+33] 03 83 41 30 79 

Program Committee

Authors of accepted research papers are expected to give a presentation of 20 minutes plus 5 minutes for questions and discussion. We can expect 3 sessions of 3 talks with time that will be scheduled at the end of each session and also for open discussion at the end of the day about future research directions. This format might be revised depending on the quality and quantity of submissions.

Important dates:

For any further information please contact:
Didier Galmiche 
TYPES Project
Batiment LORIA - BP 239
54506 Vandoeuvre-les-Nancy, France
Direct phone: +33 (0)3 83 59 20 15
Fax: +33 (0)3 83 41 30 79